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Friday, February 1, 2013

Detective case 1

                                                         I Love You Dad

You are a famous detective named John Kei. You must solve the murder of a famous company owner. there are 4 suspects are:  
1. Chris Bernard (First Son)
2. Sam Jackson (Second son, he and Robby are twins)
3. Robby Jackson (Second Third)
4. Jack Smith ( His Brother)

Found some clue:  
1. A bloodied kitchen knife victim
2. A paper containing the number held by the victim. ie: 10 1 3 11 19 13 9 20 8
Found a book code belonging to the victim
4. The victim had met with the three suspects (except Chris) in the yard, living room, and kitchen.
5. Victim's wife heard the sound of the room one of their children, he heard "I really do not like daddy! Him always comparing me to my brother, as if I shadow of him. Dad think if he's much better than me. Felt I did not want to be born in this world! oh ... I know! I could kill him. "
6. alleged victim's brother really wants his the inheritance from his brother.

The suspect gave Specification, namely:
1. Chris: "I'm not innocent I was in the hospital before father's death '
2. Sam: "No I did it! Robby was the one who killed father"
3. Robby: "No, not me I did not do anything! Chris was the one who killed father"
4. Jack: "I'm not going to do it? He was the dear my brother".

all of the information expressed by the suspect was no evidence that could be used as an alibi.

Determine who is the murder and how the perpetrator kills the victim (
If you can with reason). by writing your answers in the comments.


ok, now it's time to uncover and reveal who the murder behind this sad case.
There are several steps you can take are:

First, the victim left a paper containing a password containing numbers are: 10 1 3 11 19 13 9 20 8. In order to decode this, we need a base that is, A = 1 - Z = 26. So if 10 = A, 1 = A, 3 = C, 11 = K, 19 = S, 9 = I, 20 = T, and 8 = H. The password has been on break, pointing to the perpetrators of the killings, the Jack Smith, the victim's brother.

However, the evidence is not strong enough to accuse Jack Smith as murder. There are other ways to strengthen this evidence, using the statements of suspects. All information is interconnected, so it can be solved using logic. If we start from the testimony of Sam, the description refers to Robby. Then Robby information pointing to Chris. Chris is a true statement. In addition, Chris alibi reinforced with instructions, that when the victim's death, Chris was in the hospital. Thus, only one is left and him alibi is incorrect. So that this evidence can strengthen the first evidence earlier.

In addition, several clues point to him, the alleged victim's brother really wants his inheritance from his the brother and the victim had met with the three suspects (except Chris) in the yard, living room, and kitchen. If the blade is in check, then there will be fingerprints murder, that is Jack.
Thus, murder has admitted his crimes, and he was arrested for, approximately 8 years old, on charges of murder and persecution. Eventually the case was completed and closed. "This case, really sad! Period 'own brother to kill his own", John Kei.

"Do not ever love someone with all your heart, because someday that person will be an enemy to us, and do not ever hate someone with all your heart, because someday that person will be our good friend", John Kei

1 komentar:

  1. Assalamualaikum Salam sejahtera untuk kita semua, Sengaja ingin menulis
    sedikit kesaksian untuk berbagi, barangkali ada teman-teman yang sedang
    kesulitan masalah keuangan, Awal mula saya mengamalkan Pesugihan Tanpa
    Tumbal karena usaha saya bangkrut dan saya menanggung hutang sebesar
    1M saya sters hampir bunuh diri tidak tau harus bagaimana agar bisa
    melunasi hutang saya, saya coba buka-buka internet dan saya bertemu
    dengan KYAI SOLEH PATI, awalnya saya ragu dan tidak percaya tapi selama 3 hari
    saya berpikir, saya akhirnya bergabung dan menghubungi KYAI SOLEH PATI
    kata Pak.kyai pesugihan yang cocok untuk saya adalah pesugihan
    penarikan uang gaib 4Milyar dengan tumbal hewan, Semua petunjuk saya ikuti
    dan hanya 1 hari Astagfirullahallazim, Alhamdulilah akhirnya 4M yang saya
    minta benar benar ada di tangan saya semua hutang saya lunas dan sisanya
    buat modal usaha. sekarang rumah sudah punya dan mobil pun sudah ada.
    Maka dari itu, setiap kali ada teman saya yang mengeluhkan nasibnya, saya
    sering menyarankan untuk menghubungi KYAI SOLEH PATI Di Tlp 0852-2589-0869
    agar di berikan arahan. Supaya tidak langsung datang ke jawa timur,
    saya sendiri dulu hanya berkonsultasi jarak jauh. Alhamdulillah, hasilnya sangat baik,
    jika ingin seperti saya coba hubungi KYAI SOLEH PATI pasti akan di bantu Oleh Beliau

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