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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Particle Matter 3


     You have known that smallest piece of any substance that can't be subdivided is called atom. You also known that atom can be charged. Now, what will be happen to atom if incorporated in certain grup?

   The most elements in the world aren't pure elements, but a unification of other elements, either similiar or not similiar. The unification of some elements establishes either mixtures or compound. The smallest piece of compound is called molecule. The smallest unit of an element is called atom. Molecules are neutral particles consisting of two or more atoms, both similar or different (not similar).molecule can be divided into two, namely monatomic molecules and polyatomic molecules.

A.   Monoatomic Molecule

      Monoatomic molecule is a molecule consisting of one atom, for example, noble gas molecules (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, and Rn).

B.   Polyatomic Molecule
    Polyatomic molecule is molecule established from two or different atom. Polyatomic molecule established from similiar element atoms is called element molecule. Polyatomic Molecule comprising some some different atoms called compound molecule.
  a. Element Molecule
      Element Molecule is molecule consisting of two or more similar atoms, example :

   b. Compound Molecule
       Compound molecule is molecul consisting of two or more different atoms, example :

C.   The Formation Molecule
       Molecule is formed from some related atoms. Atomic bond is called chemical bond. Essentially there are two types of bond, namely ion bond and covalent bond. Ion bond is chemical bond as the result of interaction between positive ion and negative ion. For example, the bond between sodium ion (Na+) and Chlorine ion (Cl-) is usually known as common salt. Covalent bond is a bond among atoms due to joint-us electrons. example, both need an electron to achieve stable condition. The bond between H and Cl then forms HCl molecule.

D.   Chemical Formula
        Chemical symbol used to explain certain substance composed of molecules is called as molecule formula. Therefore, molecular formula state type and quantity of atoms within certain substance's molecule. The quantity of atoms of many element within a molecule is state in index. The example Hydrogen (H), Oxygen (O), Chlorine (Cl)
"That's is all of particle matter, please give you comment! :) "

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