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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Shouts can improve our energy

People learn in martial arts there is no harm while learning vocal as a fighter have to yell if it wants to powerful movements, according to the study of muscle strength will rise as shouting.
Shouted influence on muscle strength demonstrated in a recent study at Iowa State University, in the study, proving that the grip of the hands of fighters increased when coupled with shouts and if coupled respiration.

The study asked a number of volunteers who are experienced practitioners of the martial arts, to grip a special tool called dynamometer. The tool used to measure grip strength is believed to adequately represent the general muscle strength.
Shaking hands gripping the fighters do if breathing technique called kiap. This technique requires the fighters to release his breathing was very strong, so it emits a fairly loud shouts and raucous.
The result as above, if the screams during breathing can improve muscle strength by 7% compared to doing it in silence, screaming louder voice, the stronger the grip of the hand measured by a dynamometer.

If you need to expend energy with maximum strength, kiap is a simple technique to increase strength and power, said Amy Welch, Ph.D., an assistant professor who conducted the study as quoted from, Tuesday, 13/11/2012.
Although not known for sure, is believed to discharge air breathing while shouting makes core muscle tightened, the power generated from the contraction of the core muscles of the body is distributed to other body parts that need, so the strength increases.

1 komentar:

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